Let It Go: Kids' Bath Toys

When my oldest child was born, I bought a ton of bath toys:  bath crayons, water squirters, swimming turtles, fishing toys, floating building blocks, even letters and numbers that stick to the tub wall.

Sadly, I largely hate bath toys now.  Bath crayons require additional tub cleaning, and most of the time they melt faster than they are used.  Water squirters get mold inside them, even when you clean them by sucking rubbing alcohol in them after baths.  (The one pictured here was really nasty despite my use of alcohol after each bath, but sadly, I couldn't get a good picture of the nastiness because of the shape of the toy.)  The building blocks and letters and numbers had to be bleached periodically to keep them from becoming covered with mildew.

So I've gotten rid of as many toys as I can feel okay about discarding.  Bath crayons are no longer used in the bath; they are used only to write love notes to other family members on the walls of the tub.  The letters and numbers aren't used in the tub anymore either.  The various water squirters (including the one above) are gone forever.  The swimming turtles had batteries that malfunctioned and had to be tossed.  Fishing toys and building blocks are all that remain.

So I encourage you this week to get rid of bath toys that are a pain to keep clean.  Parents, unite!


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